Glossary of Imagine School Services terms

Here is a collection of terms used in this Help Center:

Term Definition
Advanced Placement course

Courses approved by the College Board. They offer rigorous coursework that includes an array of multimedia activities, in-depth discussion opportunities, and assignments delivered in an enhanced online learning environment.

To learn more, reference Course Types.

Activation Date

The Activation Date marks the beginning of a courses length for billing purposes. When enrolling students in courses in the ILVP, the Start Date of the course is selected. Then, the Activation Date is automatically set to be 3 days before the Start Date. For this reason, many districts prefer to change the Activation Date to the same date as the Start Date. 

Actual Grade

In the ILVP, actual grade is the overall grade adjusted for progress if a student is behind. This score doesn’t assume zeros for uncompleted work; it simply penalizes for falling behind.

Blackboard Collaborate Web conference tool that allows Imagine School Services Teachers to conduct online meetings and class sessions.
Buzz LMS

The Buzz Learning Management System (LMS) is a software application used to design, deliver, and evaluate learning processes primarily for students in Grades K–5.

The Buzz LMS also contains Carone Fitness courses.

Carone Fitness

Physical fitness courses provided in the Buzz LMS.

Concept Coach

Tutors who deliver real-time, on-demand, one-on-one tutoring. 

Students can access Concept Coaches to provide extra help with elementary and middle school courses, secondary core subjects, and French and Spanish courses.

Concept Coaches are available 7 days a week for core courses and Monday–Friday for French and Spanish.

Course Information tab Tab in the student view of the ILVP that contains teacher contact information.
Credit Recovery course

Courses that feature instruction and assignments to meet Common Core and state standards. In these courses, students focus only the material they need, and not the content they have already mastered, to progress to the next grade level.

To learn more, reference Types of Courses.

Current Enrollment Report Report pulled in the ILVP that provides the specifics of customized columns selected by the user for current enrollments.
Customer Success Manager The Customer Success Manager (CSM) is an Imagine School Services professional who provides onboarding support to clients, conducts regular customer check-ins to elicit goals from these customers, provides data around progress, keeps customers informed of key, product related updates, and alerts key internal personnel as issues arise. 
Drop Grace

Drop Grace status is used when a course is added incorrectly or the student no longer wishes to take the specified course. The standard drop period is 14 calendar days from the activation date for a semester course enrollment and 7 calendar days from the activation date for a summer course enrollment.

To learn more, reference Performing Drop Grace for a student.

Enrollment Cap The maximum number of students that can be enrolled with a teacher.
Enrollment History Report Report pulled in the ILVP that provides a listing of the previous course taken by a student.
Exceptional Education Coordinator

Imagine School Services professional who collaborates with district staff to support the needs of special populations, including students with an IEP or 504 plan.

Honors course

Course that has additional instruction and/or assignments to extend learning.

To learn more, reference Types of Courses.

Imagine Edgenuity LMS The Imagine Edgenuity Learning Management System (LMS) is a software application used to design, deliver, and evaluate learning processes for students in Grades 6–12.
Imagine Learning Virtual Portal

The customizable Imagine Learning Virtual Portal (ILVP) is a software application used to provide essential tools for supporting students, teachers, and school personnel offering online courses and online learning solutions.

The ILVP includes features to assist with student and course registration, teacher section management, teacher-to-student and student-to-teacher communication tools, communication tracking, and individual and overall performance monitoring of students, classes, teachers, schools, and districts.

Initial Credit course

Courses that feature extended instruction and assignments for complete coverage of standards for middle school and high school students in English language arts, math, science, and social studies.

To learn more, reference Types of Courses.

Imagine School Services Professional Development Professional development provided by Imagine School Services Learning and Development Specialists for Imagine School Services products. Available as an add-on service with Imagine School Services.
Imagine School Services Teacher

The Imagine School Services Teacher is an Imagine School Service professional who monitors student progress, grades assignments, holds virtual office hours, schedules individual virtual meetings as needed, and uses data to inform frequent conversation with students parents, and the on-site proctor.


Intelli-Sync is a service in which Imagine School Services Teachers provide 50 minutes of live teacher-led instruction once a week, as well as synchronous small group and one-on-one sessions for courses that have been specially developed to be used with Intelli-Sync.

Learning and Development Specialist Imagine School Services professional who delivers live and personalized professional development, on-site or through the Web, covering basic training, advanced support, data acquisition, communications, and family orientations in the ILVP.

In the ILVP, this district-provided individual implements student engagement strategies, reviews student performance, collaborates with the teacher of record as needed, and determines program fit and needs.

This role is used in cases where school users have individual caseloads of students to enroll and monitor. The mentor can initially view all students in a school or district, but once they are associated with students, they can view only those students.

To learn more, reference ILVP module permissions by role - External roles.

Mentor Information tab Tab in the student view of the ILVP that contains mentor contact information.
Mentor View Only

In the ILVP, this district-provided individual implements student engagement strategies, reviews student performance, collaborates with the teacher of record as needed, and determines program fit and needs.

This role monitors progress for caseloads of students but does not perform enrollment actions. The mentor can initially view all students in a school or district, but once they are associated with students, they can view only those students.

To learn more, reference ILVP module permissions by role - External roles.

NCAA courses 

NCAA-approved online learning courses are taught by highly qualified, state-certified virtual instructors.

To learn about requirements for NCAA courses, reference Meeting NCAA compliance and implementation standards in Imagine Edgenuity's LMS.

New Report Builder

Report created in the ILVP that allows the user to determine the fields to view and the data desired on a variety of reports.

To learn more, reference Understanding the New Report Builder.

On-Demand Tutoring Students can access Concept Coaches to provide extra help with upper elementary and middle school courses, secondary core subjects, and French and Spanish courses.
Overall Grade

In the ILVP, overall grade is the weighted average grade for completed activities based on the grade weights for each type of activity.

Partner Teacher

This district-provided teacher of record monitors student progress, grades assignments, reviews student performance, uses data to inform frequent communication with students, and assigns a student's final grade.

The Partner Teacher can view only students who are assigned to them as teacher of record, and only one teacher can be assigned as the teacher of record for a single student enrollment. 

To learn more, reference ILVP module permissions by role - External roles.

Performance Indicator

Codes that identify how students are doing in a course, including Engagement, Mastery, Pacing, and Not Started. 

To learn more, reference Early Identification of Performance Indicators.

Prescriptive testing

The Prescriptive Testing setting provides students with a comprehensive test at the start of the course, with one question for each lesson. If students answer the question associated with a given lesson correctly, that lesson is automatically customized out of the course. 

Pretesting The Pretesting setting allows students to take a 10-question quiz at the start of each lesson. If students meet the pretest’s passing threshold, they place out of that lesson. 

Program Administrator

In the ILVP, this is a district-provided school administrator who oversees the Imagine School Services program and serves as a key decision maker for the program goals and outcomes. 

The Program Administrator has user access to all needed functions for overseeing a virtual program, including viewing all students at the school or district.

To learn more, reference ILVP module permissions by role - External roles.

Program Lead

In the ILVP, this is a district-provided individual who oversees the day-to-day needs of the program. 

The Program Lead has user access to all needed functions for overseeing a virtual program, except for the Admissions tab. They can view all students at the school or district.

To learn more, reference ILVP module permissions by role - External roles.

Regional Administrator

The Regional Administrator is an Imagine School Service professional who manages instructional operations, compliance, and academic performance for large districts within an assigned service region. Provides onboarding support to clients, conducts regular customer check-ins to elicit goals from these customers, provides data around progress, and keeps customers informed of key, product related updates. 

Reinstate enrollment A function within the ILVP that allows a student who has been withdrawn or changed to Inactive status to be placed back in Active status.
Relative Grade

In the ILVP, relative grade is the grade that a student would earn if they stopped working and received 0% for all unscored activities that count toward the final grade.

Reusable enrollments As soon as a student completes or withdraws from a course, the space opens for any student in Grades 6–12 to enroll in a course with Imagine School Services. This can take place anytime throughout the 10- or 12-month contract period.
School Counselor

In the ILVP, this district-provided individual oversees their caseload of students to ensure students are enrolled in the correct courses, make progress toward successful completion, and meet school and state requirements for grade promotion and high school graduation. 

This role monitors progress for specific caseloads of students. The School Counselor can initially view all students in a school or district, but once they are associated with students, they can view only those students.

To learn more, reference ILVP module permissions by role - External roles.

Site Group

A function in the ILVP that allows students to be organized into  manageable groups.

Small Group Targeted Instruction

Type of instruction that: 

  • Addresses the challenge of teacher and staff shortages.
  • Guarantees that state-mandated intervention time is met.
  • Solves for learning loss with targeted interventions for students who need repeated practice in a skill or concept in math or English Language Arts.
  • Understands student progress and growth to meet their unique learning needs.
Student Activity Report Report pulled in the ILVP for current enrollments that provides the minutes students spent in each course, each day. The data can be reported by weeks, months, or for specific dates. This report is also available on the Student Dashboard.
Virtual Tutor course

Virtual Tutor courses offer comprehensive preparation for end-of-course and state exit exams, as well as the SAT®, ACT®, PSAT®, GED®, HiSET®, TASC, ACCUPLACER®, and ASVAB.

To learn more, reference Course Types.

World Language course

These foreign language courses are aligned to state and national (ACTFL) standards and help students build a strong foundation in vocabulary, grammar, and communications in Spanish, French, German, Chinese, and Latin.

To learn more, reference Course Types.