Meeting NCAA compliance and implementation standards in Imagine Edgenuity's LMS

This page describes how to meet the NCAA compliance criteria and NCAA implementation standards.

Meeting NCAA compliance

Course & Implementation Indicators NCAA Compliance
Pretesting LMS - Edit Options Disable. If a student skipped work due to pretesting, remove from the bypass list and require the student to complete work.
Prescriptive Testing LMS - Edit Options Disable. If a student tested out of work, customize course content back into course.
Credit Recovery (CR) CR or Credit Recovery will be in the course name Students must be enrolled in the Initial Credit course version.
Customizations LMS - Customizations Any customizations done to an NCAA student’s course must maintain the length and rigor of a traditional brick-and-mortar initial credit course. Customizations are subject to NCAA review.
Sequential Courses (Math and World Language courses only) Imagine Learning Virtual Portal (ILVP, formerly SIS) Enrollments

NCAA students must complete the courses sequentially, only beginning the next level of the course after they have finished the preceding level.

Example: A student could not take Algebra I and Algebra II at the same time. 

Example: A student could not take Spanish II A and Spanish II B at the same semester.
Student Progress - Course Length LMS - Initial and Last Activity NCAA audits review course length based on student activity only. The time difference between the first and last time the student actively worked in the course is the time-frame they will consider for the length of the course. NCAA compliance is NOT based on start, end, or exit dates as indicators of course length.


Meeting NCAA implementation standards

School Year Model Course Length Minimums NCAA Compliance
Traditional School Schedule

12 week semesters

6 week quarters


*Student must show active progress for full time

Block Schedule

6 week semesters

3 week quarters


*Student must show active progress for full time

Summer School Schedule

*Student may only take 2 summer school courses

6 week semesters

3 week quarters


*Student must show active progress for full time

Summer School Block Schedule 

*Student may only take 2 summer school courses

3 weeks semester (if the student is only taking 2 courses total -including any non-Edgenuity courses)


*Student must show active progress for full time