Flexible Implementation Models: Learning Lab

Imagine Learning's virtual instructors will use real-time data to provide proactive and personalized instruction and communication throughout the course. The partnership of a strong mentor on-site will help hold students accountable for the work that they are doing online.

Research has shown that a student’s engagement within the first two weeks of a course is a tremendous predictor of success in the course. It is critical to communicate often with your students and the instructors during this time.

Imagine Learning's Partnership Advisors are happy to consult with you to help establish goals and policies for program.

Students taking online courses with Imagine Instructional Services may meet in a school lab each day or several times a week. To help ensure students are successful, here are a number of tips to support your implementation:

  1. Understand what the goals of the program are and who will be participating.
  2. Communicate when students can access the lab to work on their courses: during a set period in their schedule or during study hall, at lunch, or before or after school.
  3. Confirm that computers have the right software and plug-ins.
  4. Post policies about grades, cheating, and student expectations in the lab.
  5. Staff your lab with a strong mentor or facilitator who will work with students and our virtual teachers. The mentor may need to share information with the virtual instructor about student absences, remind students to ask their teacher or the virtual tutors for help, monitor students’ progress and pacing, and more.
  6. Celebrate student success by announcing when students reach certain milestones or grades. Consider posting a leader board or some other way of charting progress in the lab.
  7. Hold students accountable for their progress, attendance, and learning.
  8. Respect your students and work together to overcome obstacles, but act quickly to move students into a more conducive learning environment if necessary.
  9. Observe labs periodically to ensure mentors are following your program’s policies and procedures.