Use this page to learn about the grade metrics within Imagine Edgenuity's system.
To learn more about the grade metrics, click here.
Overall Grade
This is the weighted average grade for completed activities based on the grade weights for each type of activity.
Students, Parents, and Teachers should reference this grade daily to determine whether a student is beginning to struggle with mastering the content. If this metric begins to decrease, the student is not mastering content.
- Shows mastery of content and skills in the course.
Actual Grade
This is the overall grade adjusted for progress if a student is behind. This score doesn’t assume zeros for uncompleted work; it simply penalizes for falling behind.
It makes use of a ratio that represents the student’s actual progress divided by their target progress.
This grade will never be higher than the overall grade when students are working ahead.
- Shows the impact of pacing on the student’s course grade.
If the actual grade is not calculating, troubleshoot by:
- Checking the end date.
- Determining if there are syncing issues between the IVP and LMS.
Relative Grade
This is the grade that a student would earn if they stopped working and received 0% for all unscored activities that count toward the final grade. This grade reflects work not completed by the student.
- Provides a metric that can be used if a student drops the course.