Year-end checklist

Use this page to clean up end-of-year data and review best practices for maintaining accurate data for reporting purposes. Administrators and teachers who are acting within their district guidelines in an administrative role should follow these recommendations at each semester change so educators always have access to the most accurate information.

Review the sections below for:

Imagine School Services clients

Complete the following actions:

Action to take Details Resources
All grade levels    
Update enrollments Adjust enrollment end dates if necessary. (Teachers close courses out within 3 business days of an enrollment's end date. If students need an extension, you will need to adjust their end dates.) Adjusting the enrollment end date for a current enrollment
Access the enrollment history to view enrollment data.

Accessing enrollment history

Update student accounts

Update the status of students no longer with the school to Inactive or Withdrawn.

Update senior accounts to Alumni.

Promote students' grade level. 


When promoting students' grade level in bulk, the system takes a moment to process the changes. Avoid clicking Bulk Grade Level more than once.

Changing status of students 

Promote students' grade level in bulk

Review staff accounts

Identify any staff accounts that need to be archived and communicate them to your Customer Support Manager (CSM).


Prepare for upcoming school year Schedule Imagine School Services Professional Development for the upcoming school year.

Request for Imagine School Services Professional Development

Connect with your CSM to provide the District Calendar and emergency contacts.


K–5 only    
Order workbooks

Order workbooks for the upcoming school year. Include the following information:

  • Customer Name: Imagine Learning.
  • Student ID: Leave blank or enter the student ID listed in the ILVP.
  • Business Name: Your district/school's name.
  • Recipient Name: The name of the individual receiving the order.
  • Email, Address, Phone Number: All lines are related to the recipient.
  • Workbook Title: When you click in the title box, you will see a drop-down menu allowing you to select the title needed. A is first semester and B is second semester.
  • ISBN: This will auto-populate once the workbook title is chosen.
  • Quantity: The number of workbooks needed. Include the quantity even if it is 1.

Elementary workbook process

For students going from K–5 to 6–12, update school


Accessing enrollment history

Editing a student's information

Partner districts

In addition to the actions above, partner districts should complete the following:

Action to take Resources
Complete all grading in the LMS.  
Complete the course in the ILVP. Completing a course
Archive the accounts of teachers who will no longer be using the program.