Early Identification of Performance Indicators

To help prevent a student from being placed on a Performance Indicator, teachers can use the current enrollment screen columns listed below to identify at-risk students.

To see how to view the enrollment screen, click here.

Performance Indicator Criteria Early Identification Data Possible "at risk" Criteria
Engagement (E) Student has not completed course work for 8 or more days.

Current Enrollments Last Activity Column

  • Metric is in days
If the number in this column is between 4–7, the student is at risk of being placed on an Engagement Performance Indicator.
Mastery (M) Student has completed 10% or more of course with an overall grade of less than 70%.

Current Enrollments Overall Grade Column 

  • Metric is in percentage

Consider viewing breakdown of the assignment category of grades in the LMS.

If the percent in this column is between 70–75%, the student is at risk of being placed on a Mastery Performance Indicator.
Pacing (P) Student is behind pace by 10% or more in course.

Current Enrollments Pacing Column

  • Metric is in a percent with a (-) indicating behind

Consider using platform- specific resources including Session Log or Attendance Log.

If the percent in this column is between 5–9%, the student is at risk of being placed on a Pacing Performance Indicator. 

Strong Start Student Success (S4) Student has not started the course.

