Understanding the Course Settings of a Buzz Course

Educators can view and adjust activity settings of a course within the Editor. Use this page to learn about the features available within the activity settings. To access the Editor, click here.  

To access the course settings, follow these steps:

  1. Click the wrench icon IS-k-5_implementation-editor_course-course_settings-settings-wrench_icon.png and select Course settings

Learn about the settings available that affect a student's enrollment:

Title Image Description
Initial course settings IS-k-5_implementation-editor_course-course_settings-settings-course_settings.png
  • Course title
  • Course thumbnail and Color
    • Recommended thumbnail file type: PNG or JPG (Buzz converts all files into PNGs).
    • Ideal thumbnail size: 
      400px x 400px (Buzz automatically resizes images, so uploading images smaller than 400px x 400px may reduce quality).
  • Term (this field is titled School year if your domain has domain-level Grading Periods set up).
  • Start and End dates – These Items will need to be updated within the Imagine Learning Virtual Portal (ILVP, formerly SIS) and not within the Buzz course for student enrollments.
  • Whether it's a Continuous course. If it is, specify the number of Days the course should run.
  • Whether to Use agendas in this course.
  • The course's look and feel with a Hero image that appears full screen at the top of the Activity player.
    • Recommended file type: PNG or JPG.
    • Ideal size: 2400px x 750px (450K max file size).
Gradebook Options IS-k-5_implementation-editor_course-course_settings-settings-gradebook_options.png

Settings based on movement may be selected and allows the content to be hidden from the table of contents. The following actions are also available:

    • Block access until student completes other activity
    • Block access until student masters objective(s)
    • Block Student access until a specific date
    • Requires students to enter a password to view this activity
Grading Categories IS-k-5_implementation-editor_course-course_settings-settings-grading_categories.png

Lists existing grading categories for editing and allows creation of new categories.

Objective Mastery IS-k-5_implementation-editor_course-course_settings-settings-objective_mastery.png
  • The minimum Objective mastery threshold by percentage.
  • Objective mastery Grade Scale.
  • Formative Assessments by specifying:
    • The Minimum number of questions that need to be aligned with an objective for a student to show mastery.  
    • The overall Minimum score (%) a student must earn on those questions in order to skip the activities meant to teach the objective.
  • Remediation Assessments by specifying:
    • The Minimum number of questions that need to be aligned with an objective in order for Buzz to assess mastery.
    • The overall Minimum score (%) a student can earn on those questions before receiving remediation activity suggestions.
Grade Scales IS-k-5_implementation-editor_course-course_settings-settings-grade_scales.png

Create pass/fail, plus/minus, straight letter grade, and other Grade Scales to use for course and objective scoring.

Advanced Options  
  • Allow students to see comparative class statistics
  • Hide student course-completion percentage
  • Automatically assign zero scores to past-due activities (The zero is assigned when the due date passes even if students are allowed to late submissions.)
    • When enabled, a Mark
      auto-zeroed activities as complete 
      checkbox appears and allows management of how auto-zeroed activity status is handled.
  • Hide teacher names in student reports (If not hidden, teacher(s) first and last names appear in various places the student Grades tool.)
  • Students must complete each activity in order (using the order in the Editor > Syllabus)


Within a student's enrollment, the course's settings may have an added feature within the settings that causes past-due activities to be graded as 0%. Review course settings to find out if the “Automatically assign zeros scores to past-due activities” is enabled. If it is, past-due activities will be automatically graded as 0%.

Course links IS-k-5_implementation-editor_course-course_settings-settings-course_links.png

Course Links allow you to provide students with links to important course resources. Students can access these links from the Course Links button in the Course Home (Activities tool) toolbar.