Editing a student's information

This page describes how to edit the information about a student, and how to add a sticky note to the student's main page for other educators to see.

  1. Click the Students tab and find the student whose information needs to be edited. Use the search criteria to refine the results displayed.
  2. Click the student's name. 
  3. Click Edit Information on the left-hand menu.
  4. Update the student's information under the relevant section; School, Basic, Address, Contact Information, Academic, Guardians, and Additional Information.
  5. Add some notes in the Notes section.
  6. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
  7. If notes have been entered in step 4, they will appear in a sticky note on the student's main page.

When leaving a sticky note in the Imagine Learning Virtual Portal (ILVP, formerly SIS) it is necessary to be aware of the message inserted. Appropriate times to insert a sticky note are when you learn something about the student that is timely and important for all stakeholders including other teachers to know about. Examples include:

  • Student availability or unavailability (going on vacation, competition session, training schedule, etc.)
  • Academic integrity concerns - if a student plagiarizes in one course, the teacher should place a sticky note for other teachers to be aware of concern. See example below:

Offense, Course Name, Lesson Name, Activity Plagiarized, Action Taken, Notifications, Teacher First Initial Last Name, Date Reported: 
Example: 1st Offense, US History I A-IC, Civil War Reconstruction, Essay, Reset and notified student, mentor and guardian, A.Knudsen, 11/9/2020

  • Student preferences - if a student shares that they go by a different name, prefers one type of communication over another, etc.